Opportunities at Capiphon™

We welcome inquiries from individuals and organizations that recognize the value of utilizing Capiphon’s exceptional “non-clogging” properties to resolve challenging water movement issues.

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We are dedicated to cultivating partnerships with distributors in various countries, states, and regions. To facilitate their success, we provide our distributors with comprehensive technical support and training.

with Us

We are actively seeking partnerships in industries where we do not currently have a presence, to collaborate with us in promoting and installing our highly efficient, cost-effective, and revenue-generating system.

with Us

At Capiphon, we are always seeking talented individuals who are passionate about innovation and making a positive impact on the world. If you are interested in working with us, we encourage you to complete our contact form.

Opportunities for Tradesperson’s
Are you a qualified trade looking for a referral partner?

Capiphon is a versatile product that can be installed as a DIY project, but we understand that some customers may require professional installation services. If you are a skilled tradesperson interested in receiving referrals from us, we invite you to register your interest by clicking the link below.

Additionally, if you are a tradesperson looking to take advantage of our trade discount, please register your ABN via the same link. We value our relationships with tradespeople and are committed to supporting their success. By partnering with Capiphon, you can expand your business opportunities while offering your clients an innovative and efficient water management solution.

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